Science is the greatest community project of modern times, regardless of social background, ethnicity, skin color, age, gender, religion or political affiliation. Together we are responsible for a prosperous civilization that gives everyone the right to education.

My name is Ferenc Krausz, I am Director of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Professor of Experimental Physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and 2023 Nobel Laureate in Physics. But I am addressing you today as Chairman of the non-profit organization Science4People, which I founded with members of my team.

After the Russian invasion in February 2022, access to education in Ukraine is currently severely impaired: Lack of teachers, emergency shelters instead of schools, closed universities are prevailing realities. Children, young people and students have been deprived of their homes and opportunities, and an entire generation is experiencing - at this very moment - the loss of high-quality education and leisure activities.

The advancement of a country depends on the prospects of future generations. Our initiatives, such as the SKOLA+ education and support program, which we are currently establishing with our local partners, aim to address the educational bottlenecks and shortages caused by the war and the Covid19 pandemic in more and more regions within Ukraine.

Simultaneously, we call for solidarity of universities across the world. Any of these institutions will be able to help out, without funding required, by opening their online classes and courses to the needy.

Our joint commitment lays the foundation for a new and hopeful path into the future for many young Ukrainians - a small but realistic step. Its continuation is also in your hands. Please help!

Sincerely yours,

Ferenc Krausz, initiator of S4P